Saturday, October 25, 2008

Chuck, you are the best

In my years as a dog parent, there are some old standby toys that seem to save me everytime.
The infamous Chuckit! is no exception. On days like today when the dogs have much more energy than I, the ability to throw a tennis ball many many feet has fabulous advantages.
My sweet boy loves the Chuckit!. Usually this is his stance as I ready the orange and blue tennis ball. Apparrently, these colored jobbers are far more tasty than the usual tennis balls.....who knew?
We have three of them (Chuckits that is, not tennis balls....I have lost count). One of them is barely capable of holding the ball it is so chewed. Another is brand new in bright orange...perfect for hunting season (yuck). I am waiting for Canine Hardware to create the collapsible purse sized one, preferably in pink.


  1. I love the jump shots Maria. You always capture the action! xo

  2. oooh... I'm going to check this out immediately. I'd love to find a tasty ball for Max. Every once in awhile he shows a wee bit of interest in the tennis balls... but he really loves the stuffed toys with squeakers!
