Thursday, April 30, 2009

cavapoo extraordinaire

I  must admit I am a big dog girl. Labs, goldens, danes, you get the picture. All dogs are fabulous, but the larger breeds make me swoon.
However this little one has melted my heart. Her name is Hazel and she is a cavapoo (cavalier and poodle).  What a personality and what an incredible desire for all sorts of play. I expected her to be somewhat shy, somewhat reserved. Hah! She had me chasing her all over the place.  I was so worried I would step on her...she is 4.6 pounds!
She and her Mom already have  a special bond. Mom is the ultimate glamour girl and it appears that Hazel is quickly following suit.
May you two have the longest and most wonderful life together....


  1. Awwww! She has a little muppet face! : )
    Sooo cute!

  2. Loved this session Maria! Great work. This human will treasure these images...

  3. This was such an awesome session Maria. Hazel steals the show. Her human will be very pleased..

  4. So Cute. I especially like the last shot Sassy shoes to match a sassy sweet pup.Nice job Maria
