Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas cards

Holiday cards are very important in my house. (Not those big huge gold emblazoned ones you get from your corporation, etc.) I am talking about the ones that you put your heart into. I love receiving a great one;  one that catches your attention and makes you say "awwww". My cousins Joe and Ciarla (and their two gorgeous boys) always send me the most exceptional Christmas cards.  Usually it is of a photo she has taken of them;  the font is always perfect, the wording meaningful. I am going to aspire to be one of those "great card givers".
I  had a hard time choosing from one of these three photos for my cards this year.
The bottom one I really really wanted to use....(only to the people I am very close to of course!) Suffice to say, the top one won out.
I was working on Christmas cards for some of you folks yesterday; I know you are going to love them!


  1. You are too sweet! Thanks so much for the fabulous shout-out! I actually do all my cards custom every year and have my professional lab in KS print them up. They do a great job and I enjoy the creative process of designing the cards. This years should be in the mail by Friday so be on the look-out! Hugs and Kisses! XOXO

  2. OOoh, the bottom one, the bottom one! But of course you chose the top one, because not all of the recipients will have as much of a sense of humor, lol. sigh...
